Donato Di Carlo is lecturer in Political Economy at Luiss University and managing director of
the Luiss Hub for New Industrial Policy and Economic Governance (LUHNIP). He obtained his
PhD in European Political Economy from the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
(MPIfG) in Cologne. Before joining Luiss, he was a Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow
(2020/2021) at the European University Institute in Fiesole and worked as Senior Researcher
at the MPIfG (2020/2023) and as external economic advisor to the Cabinet of the Mayor of
Rome. Donato's academic research focuses on comparative political economy and public
policy issues, with a specific focus on industrial relations and wage-setting systems, growth
models, industrial policy, economic regulation and EU integration. His research has appeared
in international journals such as the Socio-Economic Review, Regulation & Governance,
Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of European Public Policy and others.

Expertise for Teaching

Donato has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses in comparative political economy (CPE), public policy and European integration at the University of Cologne, Luiss University and the University of Osnabrück.

Profilo utente

Dettagli dell'utente

Attività di autenticazione

  • Primo accesso al sito
    venerdì, 5 febbraio 2021, 22:20  (3 anni 104 giorni)
  • Ultimo accesso al sito
    venerdì, 17 maggio 2024, 12:38  (2 giorni 19 ore)