Dr Pierluigi Congedo
Adjunct Professor (contract)
Born in Perugia (Italy), resident in the United Kingdom.
Areas of research: Italian and European Antitrust Law, network services regulation, personal data protection and data security also with respect to antitrust legislation
Since 2015/16 Dr Congedo has been teaching at Luiss Guido Carli School of Law, on a contract basis, Competition Law within the chair of European Private Law, after a period as a Senior Lecturer (equivalent to Professore Associato as per DM MIUR 02.05.2011) at Anglia Law School in Cambridge (2012-2014). From 2019/20 Pierluigi is in charge at LUISS School of Law of the chair of Data Protection (taught in English) within the channel of “Law & Innovation”. He also teaches at the interfaculty Doctoral School of LUISS Guido Carli on Competition Law, Regulation, Telecoms and Blockchain.
With a degree in Law from LUISS Guido Carli on the Vienna Convention on the international sale of goods under the supervision of Professor Emeritus Giuseppe Benedetti (1992), in 1996 he took his Master degree in European Business Law at the Institut d’Etudes Européennes of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). After a first period of legal practice in Milan and Brussels (Law firm NCTM and Squire, Sanders & Dempsey, LLP) where he worked on European Law, Data Protection and Telecoms, in 2000/01 he won a bursary for international research from the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) to be spent at the Institut d’Etudes Européennes (ULB) for a research on the methods of abuse of a dominant position in the telecom sector. From the research done in 2002 stemmed a CNR annual prize.
After a period as a Senior Associate at Baker & McKenzie (Rome) in 2001/2002, the following year Dr Congedo was admitted to the M.Phil (Magister Philosophiae) course in Competition Law at King’s College London under the supervision of Prof. Emeritus Richard Whish and Professor Margaret Bloom, to start then in 2004, on a part-time basis, his Ph.D. on structural remedies to enhance competition in the electronic communications sector. During the same period he also worked at the Office of Fair Trading in London and as a legal adviser with the General Counsel of British Telecom Global Services.
During the last stage of his Ph.D. (viva voce held in 2011), from 2007 to 2010 he taught Competition Law within the chair of Civil Law at the Roma Tre School of Law and at the Master of European Private Law of La Sapienza University in Rome, chaired by Professor Emeritus Guido Alpa. He then left Rome in 2010 to inaugurate the first course of Global Competition Law at Anglia Law School in Cambridge (2010-2012).
From 2016 to 2019 he also worked as a Counsel with the British office of the European Law Firm Macchi di Cellere-Gangemi, LLP.
Pierluigi is a Fellow of the Centre of European Law of King’s College London, a Collaborateur Scientifique of the Institut d’Etudes Européennes of ULB in Brussels, a Fellow of the British Higher Education Academy and a fellow of the Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA).
Avvocato (lawyer) admitted before the highest Courts in Rome from 2010 (admitted to the bar in 1995). Registered European Lawyer of the Law Society of England & Wales since 2006 and Solicitor of the Law Society of England & Wales from 2011 until today.
As a lawyer he provides legal advice on several fields of Competition Law, from illegal agreements under Art. 101.1 TFEU to abuse of dominant position as per Art. 102 TFEU and unlawful State Aid (in particular in the electronic communications and energy sectors), as well as on a wide range of commercial and regulatory aspects. In recent times he has been focusing on cross-border international financial and commercial frauds also with respect to personal and financial data manipulation and security, on the mechanisms and regulation of the Blockchain and on Smart Contracts.
He regularly sits in the panel of national and international conferences on European Law, Competition Law and industrial regulation.
He is bilingual in English and French. He reads German.
Main publications
Contract with the publisher Routledge to publish his Ph.D. thesis in a monograph on: ”Abuse of dominance, telecoms sector and structural separation” (2020).
Peer-reviewed articles and chapters of books
- Congedo P, ch ‘Italy’, in volume Hancher L, de Hauteclocque A, Salerno FM (eds) ‘State Aid and the Energy Sector’, Hart Publishing (2018), 453-474 (final draft of the volume in printing stage, peer-reviewed);
- Congedo P, Functional or structural separation to deal with vertical foreclosure effects in the electronic communications industry, pending the Second British Telecom Review 2015, (2015) Vol. 2(12) Italian Antitrust Review (peer-reviewed);
- Congedo P, ‘The ‘regulatory authority dixit’ defence in European competition law enforcement’, (2014) Vol. 7(10) Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies (CARS), University of Warsaw, 35-58 (peer-reviewed);
- Congedo P and Ghezzi F, ‘I rimedi nelle operazioni di concentrazione. Disciplina e prassi comunitaria. Cenni sulla disciplina e prassi italiana’ [transl.: ‘Remedies in concentration operations. European discipline and practice’] in volume Catricalá A and Gabrielli E (eds) I contratti della concorrenza, Rescigno P and Gabrielli E (eds) Trattato dei Contratti, UTET Giuridica – Kluwer 2011, vol 15, pp 367-420;
- Congedo P, ‘Ordinamenti giuridici e linguistica: Heinrich Heine e Charles Darwin, evoluzionismo culturale e rispetto delle diversità’ [transl.: ‘Legal systems and linguistic: from Heinrich Heine to Charles Darwin, cultural evolutionism and respect of diversities’] in Sandulli, P and Faioli, M (eds) Attivita’ translanzionali – Sapere giuridico e scienza giuridica, Quaderni Levi Sandri, a volume collecting materials of the workshop ‘Lionello Levi Sandri’ held at La Sapienza University in Rome in November 2009, Coop. Libraria Edizioni Nuova Cultura 2011, pp 205-211;
- Congedo P and Messina M, ‘European ‘class’ action: British and Italian points of view in evolving scenarios’, (2009) 1 Europa e Diritto Privato, 163-189 (peer-reviewed);
- Congedo P, ‘Separazione funzionale o strutturale nelle industrie regolamentate? I vincitori non puniscono; possibilmente cooperano (e innovano)’ [transl.: ‘Functional v. Structural separation in regulated industries? Winners do not punish; possibly cooperate (and innovate)’], (2008) 16 Concorrenza e Mercato, 375-410;
- Congedo P, ‘La Decisione della Commissione Newscorp/Telepiù (COMP/M.2876). Flessibilità nell’applicazione del concetto di dominance nella creazione di un quasi monopolio, in considerazione degli interessi del consumatore finale e degli impegni assunti dall’acquirente’ [transl.: ‘Decision of the Commission Newscorp/Telepiù (COMP/M.2876). The dominance test and the creation of a quasi-monopoly, with respect to the consumers interests and the engagements of the acquiring company’], (2003) Y 1, no.1, Europa da vicino, 73-82;
- Congedo P, Bernascone G and Rumsey M, ‘From Notification to Approval-Italy’, in Competition Handbook-Millennium Edition, European Counsel, (PLC Publishing, 1999), 122-127.
Secundary articles
- Congedo P, ‘Norme di modernizzazione dell’applicazione degli articoli 81 e 82 del trattato CE, introdotte dal regolamento (CE) n. 1/2003 del 16 dicembre 2004’ [transl.: ‘Modernisation Rules of Application of Artt. 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty as per Regulation no. 1/2003/EC of December 16, 2002’], (2003) Y 1, no. 1 Europa da vicino;
- Congedo P, ‘Il progetto Galileo: un’alternativa europea ai sistemi satellitari di radionavigazione’ [transl.: ‘The Galileo Project: an European Alternative to the Radio-Navigation Satellite Systems’], (2003) Y 1, no. 1 Europa da vicino;
- Congedo P, ‘Attività di adeguamento della normativa italiana in materia di comunicazioni via Internet nel quadro del New Telecommunications Package 2000’ [transl.: implementation in the Italian legal system of the Internet communications provisions of the New Telecommunications Package 2000], (2003) Y 1, no. 2, Europa da vicino;
- Congedo P, ‘Chapter ‘Italy’ in ‘Regulatory framework for cable networks in the Member States’, electronic communications legislation survey edited by the law firm Squire Sanders & Dempsey LLP for the DG INFOSOC, European Commission, Brussels, 2001.
On-line contributions:
Ø Concurrences - Encyclopedia on line, Pierluigi Congedo / Studio Legale Raffaelli, ‘The Italian Competition Authority section’ (March 2009);
Ø “New Law” of European Counsel and “Newsletters” of the law firm Graham & James LLP for Mondaq:
· Congedo P, ‘Mobile Telephony Licenses’, European Counsel, March 2000;
· Congedo P, ’New Fixed-Mobile Telephony Rates’, Mondaq, February 2000;
· Congedo P, ’UMTS Mobile Telephony Licenses’, Mondaq, December 1999;
· Congedo P, ‘E-Commerce in Italy. The “State of Play” of Italian Law and its Prospects for Development’, Mondaq, October, 1999;
· Congedo P, ’E-Commerce in Italy’, European Counsel, September 1999;
· Congedo P, ’Italy: Italian Telecommunications Join Europe’, Mondaq, August 1997;
· Congedo P, ‘Italy: How the Italian Telecommunications Scene Finally Changes-The Communications Authority’, Mondaq, August 1997;
· Congedo P, ‘Italy: the Italian Telecommunications Arena and Its Actors AT&T/Stet Agreement’, Mondaq, August 1997.
User profile
User details
- Email address
- pcongedo@luiss.it
- Country
- Italy
- Corso di Studi (CDS)
- Rome
- Timezone
- Europe/Rome
- Interests
- Skype ID
- pierluigicongedo
Course details
- Course profiles
- Teaching for Learning 2020
Login activity
- First access to site
- Saturday, 6 October 2018, 3:09 PM (6 years 60 days)
- Last access to site
- Friday, 22 November 2024, 8:41 AM (11 days 9 hours)