• Giovanni Ponti (PhD, University College London, 1997) is Associate Professor of Economics and at LUISS Guido Carli Roma. He also holds a joint position as Full Professor of Economics at the Univeridad de Alicante (Spain). 
  • He has authored more than 50 articles, which have appeared in the American Economic ReviewJournal of Economic Theory,Games & Economic Behavior, Journal of Risk & Uncertainty, Review of Economic DynamicsReview of Economic DesignSocial Choice & WelfareExperimental EconomicsJournal of Conflict Resolution and Journal of Evolutionary Economics, among others.  
  • Since 2014 he has been serving as Academic Editor for PLoS ONE, the leading publication of the Public Library of Science of the United States, for submissions related to Behavioral and Experimental Economics. 
  • Since 2022 he has been also serving as Associate Editor for the Journal of Behavioral & Experimental Economics (Elsevier).
  • From 2017 to 2020 he has been visiting regularly the Department of Economics at the University of Chicago- Alongside with his teaching duties -Experimental Economics (ECON 21800), Behavioral Finance (ECON 25130), Reading & Research (Honor Course, ECON 29700)- he has working on the structural estimation of behavioral models using field and experimental data within the Research Team of John A. List. He also held other visiting positions in the past at New York University (2016, sabbatical leave) and University of California, Santa Barbara (1997-9, visiting research fellow). 
  • His primary research interest is the use of game theory as a modeling language to describe economic environments of interest and the complementary use of theory and experiments to derive theoretical predictions and provide empirical validation, with particular reference to mechanism design and implementation. 
  • Recently, his research focus has shifted toward more behavioral themes, such as the analysis of social preferences and their relation with risk and time preferences. In his recent publications he has been involved in the structural estimation of theoretical models of behavior.

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  • Primo accesso al sito
    giovedì, 20 settembre 2018, 17:20  (6 anni 76 giorni)
  • Ultimo accesso al sito
    lunedì, 28 ottobre 2024, 12:18  (36 giorni 6 ore)