

The course consists of two specific, although related, parts.

(1) The first part deals with comparative HRM, in other words it looks at major systems of HRM across countries. The countries which will be mainly touched on are the US, UK, Germany, Sweden, Japan, France, and Italy. Some attempt will also be made to introduce China and India and some other countries.

(2) The second part of the course deals with the management of human resources in multinational companies (MNCs), considering key organizational issues and major environmental factors they confront.

On successful completion of the course, you will have:
- An acquaintance with key areas of HRM
- An appreciation of the main areas of HRM, in comparative and international perspective
- An understanding of national business systems and culture as they interrelate to HRM
- An understanding of the influence of employers, employees, trade unions and the state in shaping of HRM
- An understanding of the management of human resources in multinational companies
- An ability to assess critically a variety of contemporary, policy-relevant issues and perspectives which inform the study of HRM
- An ability to consider outcomes of HRM arrangements