Digital Skills Assessment Test - Study Materials

On this page you find the links to study materials for the Digital Skills Assessment Test. The test is a pre-requisite to take the associated computer science exam according to the Department of origin.

To take the exam, you need to study the modules of:

  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Excel Advanced (only the parts of the program specified inside the page)
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Online Collaboration

The exam lasts 45 minutes and you will have to answer 60 multiple choice questions relating to the above topics. The test is considered passed with at least 70% correct answers. You can take the exam in the Test Friday session: to book a seat, use the page


Study materials will be available from Monday 9 September for freshers 2024

Microsoft Excel (English)

Here you will find the basic Microsoft Excel course, the course manual and the possibility to try a self-assessment test before taking the exam.

To open the course, first click on "Click to enter this course" and then, from the page that will open, click on the bottom on "Enrol me". 

Microsoft Excel - Advanced (English)

Here you will find the advanced Microsoft Excel course, the course manual and the possibility to try a self-assessment test before taking the exam.

To open the course, first click on "Click to enter this course" and then, from the page that will open, click on the bottom on "Enrol me". 

Microsoft Word (English)

Here you will find the Microsoft Word course, the course manual and the possibility to try a self-assessment test before taking the exam.

To open the course, first click on "Click to enter this course" and then, from the page that will open, click on the bottom on "Enrol me". 

Microsoft PowerPoint (English)

Here you will find the Microsoft PowerPoint course, the course manual and the possibility to try a self-assessment test before taking the exam.

To open the course, first click on "Click to enter this course" and then, from the page that will open, click on the bottom on "Enrol me". 

Online Collaboration (English)

Here you will find the Onlline Collaboration course, the course manual and the possibility to try a self-assessment test before taking the exam.

To open the course, first click on "Click to enter this course" and then, from the page that will open, click on the bottom on "Enrol me".